Search Results for "Voter ID" : 149 results

Anonymity, Petitions, and the Supreme Court

Scalia suggests to do otherwise, the court would be creating “new rights,” something that gets associated with activist judges. Here, the activist judges appear to be the far right conservatives, Alito and Roberts.

April 28, 2010 1 comment general

What Will A Republican Governor Do For Pennsylvania

First, we have to come to terms with what we really want as progressives? If the answer is to vote for the most progressive candidates we can find in the Primary, we may vote one way. But I believe that if what we want is to create an environment where we can continue to move progressive issues forward for the next 8 years, then we may act differently in the primary,

April 27, 2010 3 comments Activism, general

Who Knows Who Voted How?

In other cities, the Stonewall Democrats are a force within the Democratic party, as it should be here. For that to happen, it will need to be a group that welcomes and values the views of many, not just the views of those who see things exactly like some of their more vocal officers and members.

April 24, 2010 1 comment Activism, general

Rasmussen Poll: Onorato May Be Closing Gap on Corbett

Given the Rasmussen numbers of 11% undecided, Onorato could win today against Corbett, and none of the other candidates can say that

April 21, 2010 1 comment general

Democrats, Decorum, and Democracy

I was reminded again by something that another person had pointed out to me some time ago. What are the types of skills a Governor needs as opposed to a Senator (or Congressperson)?

March 28, 2010 3 comments general

8 Senators Tell PA: “No, You May Not Vote”

Not only is it a lie (and don’t these religious types know that bearing false witness is a sin?) but it misses the point entirely.

March 18, 2010 3 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage

Who is Winning the Battle for Marriage?

But I think it is the wrong question to get concerned about.Marriage equality is essentially connected to a broader issue: the acceptance of gays and lesbians.

March 10, 2010 1 comment Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

What to put in a letter to your elected official?

If you read my blog regularly, you know I operate with a basic premise: The most effective way to impact legislation, especially at the state level, is for regular every day voters develop a relationship with their elected official, and use that relationship to share their ideas about issues with their elected officials. So how do you get this relationship started? I think the best way is with a personal letter and follow that up[Read More…]

February 28, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Could Republicans Steal the GLBTQ Vote or Destroy Any Chance of a GLBTQ Coalition?

Republicans don’t have to become gay friendly to do this either. They can still oppose all other gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans rights, leaving the community still disempowered and victimized by our culture and political system.

January 16, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage