Post Tagged with: "Homophobia"

Why people are homophobes.

Why people are homophobes.

What prompts homophobes to be so vocally horrific and hateful? I think if we understand some of that, we can weather whatever hate they are throwing our way without freaking out so much.

August 3, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
Homophobia in the locker room is irrational.

Homophobia in the locker room is irrational.

The other story sitting just out of sight, is that there are already gay and bi players in the NFL. Could be one or it could be dozens, but they are there. What will they do because of Sam’s announcement as well as with the whatever the NFL puts forward like the about garbage regarding homophobia, locker rooms and chemical balance? Will they continue to live and play football in the closet and acquiesce to the homophobia? Time will tell.

February 11, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Homosexual

Fending off competition with homophobia: Christian politics 101?

See any trend here similar to what we are seeing in National politics? The conservative/Christian approach is always to demonize and “other” the gay person, instead of focusing on jobs and thew economy which are the two subjects most important to the majority of voters at every level of government. Their goal is to win, at any cost.

October 16, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Bloomfield Queer Rally: CityPaper Article

If you haven’t seen it, I wanted to point you towards the CityPaper article about the rally and and following event with the police.Of all the papers, I think they captured a great perspective on the story.

September 1, 2011 Comments are Disabled general

Bloomfield Queer Rally: After the arrests began

As I was videotaping the arrest, another officer came running at me with a can of mace or pepper spray or something and told me to get the hell out or I would be arrested too. I backed away but kept taping.

August 28, 2011 6 comments general
Bloomfield Queer Rally: Is there a solution for the anger?

Bloomfield Queer Rally: Is there a solution for the anger?

When there is so much anger, there is no solution- no way for these two “sides” to work together for the greater good, and from my experience here, this is one of the two big issues that the rally accentuates.

August 28, 2011 20 comments general

I’ll be on WRCT

Lizzie Anderson of WRCT interviewed me/taped me at the homophobia rally Wednesday evening, and I understand it will be broadcast on Monday August 29th at 6PM . WRCT is at FM 88.3, or you can listen online at

August 27, 2011 Comments are Disabled general

Shame and Homosexuality: We Need Better Language

Few of them would say that Culture is the reason. Culture’s collective homophobia is manifest in words and actions that result in the way these people feel. They feel shame? Is that the best language we have? We might call this internalized homophobia- a fear to accept oneself as one really is. But even this language seems to fall short I think.

July 7, 2011 2 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage

Help with making things get better

So the anti-gay forces who parade under the false banner of “care for the family” are stepping up the hate and the lies, and the misinformation. We will only make progress and create safer schools with the Safe Schools Improvement Act, with your help. We need you to make your voice known by writing a letter!

October 13, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Who Are Tomorrow’s LGBT Leaders?

So, I was thrilled to see a GSA with so many smart, active and courageous young people involved, and exited to think about the role they will play is the struggle for full equality. They will be tomorrow’s leaders, helping to make gains on both the political and social paths.

October 9, 2010 3 comments general