The link below is to the Philadelphia Inquirer, and I’m not quoting any single part of it, but rather, ask to you skim through the whole of it. It outlines a strategy for Williams to win the Democratic primary without any mention for the rest of the state outside of Philadelphia. What’s up with that?

I haven’t followed Williams much at all.  From my perspective, the frontrunners ought to be (in alphabetical order) Joe Hoeffel who is a progressive and from the Eastern Part of the state, and Dan Onorato from Western Part of the state. On my dream ticket is Dan Onorato for Governor and Jonathan Saidal as  Lt. Governor. Sue Kerr has a mention about Saidal on her blog recently.

Some in the media have blasted Onorato and attribute his huge lead to the fact that he has spent a fair amount of money, but the truth is that Williams has spent even more money and is polling very poorly. Onorato’s lead isn’t about the money, although the early television ads did help him gain name recognition across the state. Onorato’s lead is due to the fact that his message is about Jobs and growth for the whole of Pennsylvania. Aside from that, I believe he will be good for the LGBT  citizens of PA, and will be a vocal supporter for non-discrimination and other protections that treat LGBT’s as 1st class citizens.

Philadelphia wants to own the governor, at least in bragging rights, if nothing else. I posted on my blog the other day, how some in Philadelphia believe they get preferential treatment because Rendell is from there. Is that why Pittsburgh lost the US Airways hub?

I have not been a fan of Jack Wagner. To me, he is the old school conservative democrat who doesn’t want my gay vote. On a right-wing questionnaire, he bragged about voting for the PA DOMA that keeps gay and lesbian couples from having the right to marry.  But what is Anthony Hardy Williams, and does he care about Western PA?  I know he has been here, at least long enough to look around for jobs, but is he interested in being the Governor of Pennsylvania or the Governor of Philadelphia.

Williams needs Philly to win top post | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/10/2010.

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