Archive for December, 2010

Hard Time to be an LGBTQ Activist/Advocate

Short commentary: It is a freaking hard time to be a blogger working in the area of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Rights, when the Country and our Government as a whole is so totally screwed up. Wanting to write about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is timely and essential, but placed in the context of a Congress where the GOP cares only about tax breaks for the millionaires and billionaires, and a President who[Read More…]

December 8, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Free Speech and Reporting Anti-gay Rhetoric

It the importance and weight of the Souther Poverty Law Project’s pronouncement is to mean anything and have any affect, we have to be willing to draw a clear delineation between hate speech and anti-gay speech. It may be true that most often they are the same thing, but the distinction allows for Free Speech and the requirement for dialogue to be filled with facts and the truth.

December 7, 2010 1 comment Activism, general
Prop 8 Appeals Court Recap

Prop 8 Appeals Court Recap

As it is, it does appear like there is no one to speak for the people of California who voted to accept Prop 8. Don’t get me wrong- I don’t believe people should ever have the right to vote on the rights of others, but in California they do have that right, and that is why I think the judges will probably grant one of them as having standing.

December 6, 2010 2 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage

Prop 8 Appeal Hearing is Live on C-SPAN

December 6, 2010 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage

Thomas C Waters Nominated for Iris Marion Young Award

This morning I received an email, altering me that I have been nominated for the Iris Marion Young Award for Political Engagement. The award is described this way: This award honors the memory of Iris Marion Young (1949-2006), a faculty member in GSPIA from 1991-2000 who was active in the Women’s Studies Program.  Young was a philosopher and social theorist whose commitments to democracy and justice informed her scholarship and her personal work as an[Read More…]

December 6, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
Transphobia in the LGB community

Transphobia in the LGB community

I think there is clearly some within the LGBT community who express transphobia at anywhere from a very mild to very blatant and offensive level.

December 5, 2010 1 comment Activism, general
Why We Need To Care About the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)

Why We Need To Care About the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)

NOM is succeeding by using a magician’s approach to getting where they want to be. They create small diversions that cause knee-jerk reactions within the LGBT community, while their real focus and meaningful work is on raising money secretly and using that money to affect elections.

December 4, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Republicans Vote to Raise Taxes

It isn’t even so much that these 2% are being treated so horribly. In the Democrat’s tax plan, even that top 2% would receive a tax break on their first $250,000. It is just everything above that will be taxed at a higher rate.

December 3, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
The Family Research Council as Hate Group

The Family Research Council as Hate Group

This is what makes the Family Research Council a hate group. Their desire to harm gay people by the deliberate use of falsehoods and misinformation, paraded around as if they were facts.

December 3, 2010 1 comment general

How Bigots Justify Their Hate

This is from LifeSiteNews, a far right crazy website, which is constantly working to deny lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons equality. I thought this was a very telling illustration of the way bigots justify their hate. This bill, proposed by the NDP’s ‘LGBT’ critic Bill Siksay, is merely the latest attempt by the homosexualist lobby to force their ideology on our families.  It will lead to even greater restrictions on our freedoms as we’ve[Read More…]

December 2, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general