Archive for April, 2013

Volunteer or Intern Wanted for PA Non-discrimination Project

Volunteer or Intern Wanted for PA Non-discrimination Project

This is a perfect project for anyone seeking to add issue advocacy work to their resume or experiences. It is a well defined project with specific goals and enough flexibility for someone who is highly motivated to make this project be a huge success.

April 15, 2013 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
Steel City Stonewall Democrats Announces Endorsements

Steel City Stonewall Democrats Announces Endorsements

Pittsburgh’s Steel City Stonewall Democrats have released their endorsements which are determined by a vote of the membership. Bill Peduto- Pittsburgh Mayor Mary Gibson -County Council 3 Natalia Rudiak- City Council 4 Tonya Payne- City Council 6 Mark Tranquilli- Court of Common Pleas Eleanor Bush- Court of Common Pleas Barbara Ernsberger- Court of Common Pleas Jack McVay- Superior Court via News » Steel City Stonewall Democrats.

April 15, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Equality PA Makes 2013 Spring Endorsements

Equality PA Makes 2013 Spring Endorsements

Municipal lawmakers have a tremendous impact on the lives of LGBT people. In fact, all of the current protections available to LGBT Pennsylvanians have come through municipal level policy change, championed by local leaders

April 15, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
GOP is party of the status quo: no room for gays?

GOP is party of the status quo: no room for gays?

It isn’t an uncommon approach for change. With any oppressive organization or entity, some promote change from the outside and some work for change from the inside. But it is challenging to see how any gay, lesbian, bi, or trans person can see a place for themselves within the GOP as the party affirms the status quo, and votes to continue the explicit opposition to gay rights. There had been a slight chance we would[Read More…]

A reply to the idea that marriage is about breeding.

A reply to the idea that marriage is about breeding.

If YOU feel it is against YOUR religious beliefs for two same-sex people to marry, then no one will force YOU to marry a person of the same-sex! But don’t force your theology upon my partner and I who are a loving and committed couple. My Civil Marriage won’t strop you getting into heaven!

April 10, 2013 1 comment general, Homosexual, Same-Sex Marriage

When Religion Destroys Faith: Nostra Maxima Culpa

The detail I cannot quite recover from is that he picked out for abuse those deaf boys who had parents who could not use sign language – so that even if the boys had the courage to say what had happened to them, their parents would not understand. It’s things like that that simply chill you, haunt you, force you to confront the pre-meditated, profound assault on human souls that the Catholic Church, from the[Read More…]

April 10, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Help Equality PA Pass State-wide Non-discrimination Legislation.

Help Equality PA Pass State-wide Non-discrimination Legislation.

In the coming weeks, pro-equality Senators and Representatives will introduce bills prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity for the State of Pennsylvania.

April 8, 2013 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
Pittsburgh Pride = Marriage?

Pittsburgh Pride = Marriage?

But in the spirit of Stonewall which we remember and celebrate every June-

It was not the A-list gays, or the trendy folks who got the ball started demanding EQUAL RIGHTS! It was the drag queens and the types of folks that were the outcasts of an outcast minority. Marriage Equality is but one small part of the large and inclusive demand we have called Full Equal Rights for Everyone!

April 7, 2013 Comments are Disabled Gay Pride, Same-Sex Marriage
Is Robert Gagnon Gay?

Is Robert Gagnon Gay?

Gagnon’s name surfaced yet again in a Google alert for “Homosexual.” The linked post is the start of a review of something Gagnon wrote which is supposed to be a secular justification against homosexuality. What does the Biblical Scholar have to bring to a secular argument to oppose gay people? And as I read, not only the commentary of Gagnon’s writing, but Gagnon’s text itself, that nagging question returned. Is Robert Gagnon gay?

April 7, 2013 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Homosexual
ACLU is Hiring an LGBT Field Organizer!

ACLU is Hiring an LGBT Field Organizer!

Received this via email. All details are below. This is wonderful news for LGBTQ Rights in Pennsylvania!

April 5, 2013 4 comments Activism, general