Articles by: Thomas Waters

Black History Month: Highlighting Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender People

As a whole culture we don’t talk nearly enough about the influences of black leaders on us, and within the LGBTQ community, we fail even more to reach out and learn about our own history and the impact these important people have made. So please, take some time and become familiar with the individuals highlighted there.

February 2, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Sign this petition to the Susan G Komen Foundation

The health of women should never be used as a political pawn, played by ideological actors who have their own agenda. Sign the petition today!

February 2, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Who did you come out to today?

This is the type of situation where it would be easy to just keep sexual orientation out of it. Why take the risk at offending readers to the site, right? But what happened is the opposite, and Brad’s item has had a very large number of views and received great comments. He comes across as authentic, real, proud of himself, and unashamed about his life- all of his life.

February 2, 2012 Comments are Disabled general

What the Philadelphia Mayor Had to Say About Marriage Equality

In addition to my posting an open letter to Mayor Luke, here on my blog, I have written to him directly requesting a meeting. I eagerly await a reply, however, the mayor has never accepted a request to meet from me in the past, so I am not sure what will happen. I especially appreciate the focus of this statement on the economic impact of Equality. Civil Marriage is a Civil Right. Equality.

January 27, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general

GOP Big Government/Small Government Rhetoric is All Smoke and Mirrors

The link is to an interview with a Tea Party spokesperson in South Carolina, and the Tea Party is the epitome of Small Government rhetoric, right? Ms. Martin said that although Mr. Gingrich “is not the perfect candidate,” she believes many Tea Party members have decided to coalesce support around the former Speaker. I think they were definitely sending a message against Mitt Romney.  And I think they were saying, ‘Look, we’ve got to have[Read More…]

January 26, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election, general

Navarro Admits To Same Sex Encounters

This is not news at all (link is from 2006) but I thought it was interesting in lieu of the controversy raised by Cynthia Nixon’s comments. Rocker DAVE NAVARRO admits he has experimented sexually with other men, but insists he is not gay. The star, who is married to CARMEN ELECTRA, claims the encounters with members of the same sex actually helped convince him he is straight. Navarro tells the gay publication dot Newsmagazine, “I’ve[Read More…]

January 25, 2012 Comments are Disabled general

What did Cynthia Nixon choose?

Even if we are born this way, how might it change the current LGBT civil rights movement if we each chose to speak out and own our own power (which may be a way to understand Nixon’s comments)?

January 25, 2012 0 Comments Activism, Book Club, general

The letter to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer community is a vital block of voters, and more importantly, a meaningful community of constituents whose rights, needs and interests deserve real attention by our elected officials. Local government is perhaps the level of government where an elected official can have the most honest and direct relationship with his or her constituents. I seek to ask Mayor Luke to participate in that open and honest direct relationship. I do not demand he do things my way. I request he be clear, host, and articulate what he is going to do or not do, and why.

January 25, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general

Thoughts about the Black and White Reunion

I spent Saturday at the Black and White Reunion, Summit Against Racism. While I would not have thought of myself as a racist person, the ways racism is systemic and pervasive as white privilege as well as more explicit racism, is something that has come into my view a number of times recently. It is time for me to better understand what things I can do to combat racism. The Black and White Reunion has[Read More…]

January 23, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, general
Open Letter to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl

Open Letter to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl

Mayor Ravenstahl, can you explain to Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ community if you plan to sign on, and if you do not, please share your reasons for not signing on.

January 22, 2012 0 Comments Activism, Election, general, Same-Sex Marriage