
Gay Men and Super Tuesday

Gay Men and Super Tuesday

According to a new unscientific poll of Scruff users released last week, Clinton is the clear favorite of gay men who use the app.

March 1, 2016 Comments are Disabled Election, general
One LGBT Friendly GOP Candidate?

One LGBT Friendly GOP Candidate?

I found the linked article interesting reading– there may be one GOP presidential candidate that is slightly LGBT friendly. This would be bigger news, except John Kasich doesn’t appear to have any shot at getting the GOP nomination. But does his position tell us anything about at least part of the GOP? John Kasich, the Republican Governor of Ohio and presidential hopeful, said on Tuesday that the question of gay marriage is settled law and[Read More…]

February 17, 2016 Comments are Disabled Election
Tuesday’s Election Matters for Pennsylvania’s LGBTQ Residents

Tuesday’s Election Matters for Pennsylvania’s LGBTQ Residents

I get so frustrated when I hear LGBTQ persons clam that their vote doesn’t matter, especially when it comes to state-wide elections. And, this year’s general election is critically important for anyone who cares about progressive issues in general, and LGBTQ issues specifically. Because, we will be voting on members of the judiciary. Ted Martin of Equality PA puts it this way: The history of the state courts in Pennsylvania has not been favorable on[Read More…]

November 2, 2015 Comments are Disabled Election
Do you know where you vote?

Do you know where you vote?

In the last general election, fewer than half of all eligible adults voted, and the majority of those who did get to the polls were conservatives. If every registered democrat turned out to vote, the conservatives wouldn’t be in charge everywhere!

October 29, 2015 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election
Pat Toomey is beatable, but lots of work to do!

Pat Toomey is beatable, but lots of work to do!

The thing that will make the difference is voter turnout. If Democrats turn out in large numbers, we can send Toomey packing. But we need you voting on election day!

October 20, 2015 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election
Why Your Vote Matters: Judges!

Why Your Vote Matters: Judges!

We must see progressive and fair thinking judges elected, because future victoroies for the LGBTQ community will require judicial decisions favorable to our equality. Plan now to vote in this and every election.

October 12, 2015 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general
Why Santorum Matters

Why Santorum Matters

The Rachel Maddow interview with Rick Santorum is getting discussed, but mostly to celebrate Maddow schooling him in Civics. But Santorum said some very important things that are worth being aware of.

July 24, 2015 Comments are Disabled Election, general
Democrats Challenge PA Elected Officials: Please Vote for Them!

Democrats Challenge PA Elected Officials: Please Vote for Them!

Philadelphia Gay News has a really great post with interviews on a number of PA democrats challenging republicans. They reached out to the GOP candidates, but none were willing to be interviewed. In my pinion, the current GOP strategy is to keep a low profile around LGBTQ issues in the hopes that no one notices them. but underneath it all, the GOP remains highly opposed to any progress by LGBTQ persons. Check out the post[Read More…]

October 31, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election
Election 2014: The US Senate and LGBTQ Rights

Election 2014: The US Senate and LGBTQ Rights

Marriage in and of itself, may not be the stumbling block to full equality. Rather, nondiscrimination protections will be the place where gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and queer persons remain treated as second class citizens.

October 28, 2014 Comments are Disabled Election, general
Does the PA Governor’s Race Matter for LGBTQ Rights?

Does the PA Governor’s Race Matter for LGBTQ Rights?

Voters to see LGBTQ Rights issues and other progressive issues as all connected. We need to move the state in a progressive direction for everyone’s advantage and improve life for everyone.

October 27, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general