Same-Sex Marriage

Catholic church plays victim: refuses to live in the 21st century

If Catholic related groups wish to discriminate based upon their world view, they can. No one is stopping them. But if they seek to be business partners with the State and participants in a democracy, then they have to follow the laws just like the rest of us.

August 2, 2011 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
The language of same-sex marriage

The language of same-sex marriage

Marriage Equality is a concept worth fighting for, but a part of that battle is to name our relationships, our marriages and our weddings for what they are: same-sex where they are as valid and meaningful, and legal as anyone else’s.

August 1, 2011 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage

Boehner leaves Obama at the altar?

In this clip, Obama uses a “marriage” image to describe Boehner’s actions. Is that a coincidence, or another sign that the President is evolving when it comes to marriage equality

July 22, 2011 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
NY Companies to Gay Couples: Must Marry to Get Health Benefits

NY Companies to Gay Couples: Must Marry to Get Health Benefits

Until we look at the issue of Marriage Equality as a civil issue, and stop thinking of it as a religious/moral issue, we will continue to propagate unfairness and complexity for employers and employees.

July 10, 2011 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage

Shame and Homosexuality: We Need Better Language

Few of them would say that Culture is the reason. Culture’s collective homophobia is manifest in words and actions that result in the way these people feel. They feel shame? Is that the best language we have? We might call this internalized homophobia- a fear to accept oneself as one really is. But even this language seems to fall short I think.

July 7, 2011 2 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage

Is Marriage Equality Clouding the Issue of Full LGBT Rights?

If activists truly care about full equality, then we must take responsibility for keeping the focus on full equality. Consider Canada, which has had Marriage Equality for 10 years, but a Trans person can still be fired or refused housing. We, as activists, especially highly vocal ones, do the whole of our community a disservice by being too overly focused on only one aspect of full equality.

New York Marriage Equality Roundup

Surprisingly, Martinelli doesn’t mention his old boss, NOM at all. They stood the most to lose by a passage of Marriage Equality. Lead Hater Spokesperson, Maggie Gallagher likes to describe NOM as “the group that wins.”

June 25, 2011 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage

Queer Rising Focus on the President Could Kill Marriage Equality in New York

To truly help same-sex couples everywhere, we need to assure that New York passes Marriage Equality. This will weaken NOM’s credibility, and encourage many other states to fight for Equality too.

June 21, 2011 4 comments Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Gay Marriage vs Marriage Equality: Gays as bargaining chips

The AP has a short article, linked here in the Wall Street Journal, about the current state on the NY Marriage Equality bill. It is way to close to call if it will pass the Senate or not, and either way it goes will be seen as a major win for that side of the battle over marriage. But here the problem: The senators, speaking on condition of anonymity, say gay marriage is tied up[Read More…]

June 20, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Tired of Republican-Democrat Politics

“You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn’t black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing,” McDonald, 64, told reporters

June 16, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage