LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies

The NFL is Watching Arizona

The NFL is Watching Arizona

As we look towards the upcoming draft and what will happen with Michael Sam, we now see the NFL as well as their Arizona franchise speak out against the AZ anti-gay discrimination law.

February 26, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
Follow up: Racist Action at Mississippi University

Follow up: Racist Action at Mississippi University

We must never stop demanding our legal rights and full equality, yet we must also continue to strive for full acceptance culturally, in our neighborhoods, in the cities and towns where we live, our, our schools, our places of employment and everywhere we go. There are no places where bigotry can be acceptable if real equality is to be ours.

February 23, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
Phyllis Schlafly and the new American racism.

Phyllis Schlafly and the new American racism.

Schlafly is on record claiming Hispanics are not like the GOP, because of illegitimate pregnancies and an inability to understand the Bill of Rights. She divides people into groups: the GOP and Hispanics and then demarcates how that are different but from a single vantage point, a place of white privilege. She doesn’t examine sexual behavior in both groups but begins with the assumption that the othered group is different and less than.

PA Reps Molchany and Sims introduce pay equity legislation

PA Reps Molchany and Sims introduce pay equity legislation

As part of a larger effort to address the concerns of Pennsylvania women, state Reps. Erin Molchany, D-Allegheny, and Brian Sims, D-Phila., introduced a bill today that would clarify and update the legal standards for pay-equity lawsuits.

January 6, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
An open letter to Bill Peduto from an LGBTQ advocate.

An open letter to Bill Peduto from an LGBTQ advocate.

Pittsburgh is a great city because we are not simply a collection of neighborhoods and communities, but because together, in concert with one another we are greater than the sum of the parts.

January 6, 2014 Comments are Disabled Election, general, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
The Ins and Outs of Outing and Coming Out, part 1

The Ins and Outs of Outing and Coming Out, part 1

The Washington gay scene as well as the political arena in general has been complicit before in protecting closet cases, and that can not be tolerated any longer. Does that include making public information that illustrates what is being called hypocrisy?

The LGBTQ Outrage at Phil Robertson is a Harm to the LGBTQ Movement

The LGBTQ Outrage at Phil Robertson is a Harm to the LGBTQ Movement

Before I begin, let me say, I would put money down on it: I’ll catch crap for this post from some members of the LGBTQ community. I hope that you will read the whole post before having some knee-jerk reaction to the title. [He takes a deep breath and begins to write…] The Far Right is having a heyday with the fiasco surrounding the Duck Dynasty patriarch, Phil Richardson, and they are really winning points[Read More…]

Help get ENDA passed by the US House!

Help get ENDA passed by the US House!

Received a link for a petition to get ENDA introduced n the US House. Petitions alone don’t generate what is needed to pass legislation, but they can cause enough of a stir to get the bill introduced. We need your help, now!

November 11, 2013 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, LGBT Discrimination: Exploring Laws and Policies
Breaking News: PA State Rep. Brian Sims Applauds US Senate vote on ENDA

Breaking News: PA State Rep. Brian Sims Applauds US Senate vote on ENDA

PHILADELPHIA: Pa. State Representative Brian Sims, D-Phila., the first openly gay elected state legislator in Pennsylvania applauded the vote on cloture for the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) in the U.S. Senate tonight. Sims especially commended Pennsylvania Senators Bob Casey, D-Pennsylvania, and Patrick Toomey, R-Pennsylvania. Both Senators voted for cloture on the landmark LGBT civil rights bill. “I have long believed that civil rights cannot be a one party issue. Senator Casey has supported LGBT civil rights[Read More…]

ENDA advances and Thanks to PA Senator Toomey

ENDA advances and Thanks to PA Senator Toomey

take a moment to thank Senator Toomey. Call his office, send him an email, or even better- send him a short handwritten note. A handwritten note will definately makes its way into his hands, where the email will probably not.