What is Murder?
Steven Anderson has recently been in the news. As a pastor, he prays for Obama to die. The other day, Sirius XM radio host Michelangelo Signorile had him on the air, and the linked blog is about that exchange, and it includes a Youtube video. What I found most intriguing about the exchange was the questioning about murder. According to Anderson, if someone assassinated the President, it wouldn’t be murder, but the legal abortion provider[Read More…]
The Bible is Not About Beating LGBT People Up
Michael Jones is one of my favorite bloggers, and today writes about the  HRC project, “Out in Scripture.” Here is a quote from the book’s editor: As editor Sidney Fowler said, ‘The Bible is not about beating you up, but lifting us all up.  It includes the seeds of liberation and justice.’ Be prepared to be transformed as well.†It’s kind of like a week-by-week look at the Bible with a lens on LGBT spirituality.[Read More…]