Archive for October, 2011

Adoption Rights By State

Saw this on Joe.My.God. Adoption Rights By State Visit the Movement Advancement Project for more. Original Page:

October 26, 2011 Comments are Disabled general

Can Christians “get” gay? (And does it matter?)

Not sure where I found this link- probably on Facebook, but is has been open on my computer for a few days as I have read the post, and thougght about it, and what I might want to say. If you are one of those gay folks who bristles at the very mention of Christianity, then skip following the links below and try and focus on what I have to say here. but if Christian[Read More…]

October 23, 2011 7 comments Activism, general

CALIFORNIA: Court Rules Prop 8 Backers Must Reveal Donor Names

CALIFOR= NIA: Court Rules Prop 8 Backers Must Reveal Donor Names In yet anot= her in a long string of court losses for NOM, a California judge has ruled t= hat the backers of Proposition 8 must reveal the names of their do= nors. NOM and Protect Marriage had sued to have those names removed from the= website of California’s Secretary of State.A federal judge in Sacramento ruled against and the National Organization f=[Read More…]

October 21, 2011 Comments are Disabled general

SW PA Action Plan for Social Justice

This came from the QUILTBAG newsletter: The final session of the conference was designated for discussion of the “Action Plan for Building Social Justice in Southwestern PA”. The structure was similar to our first QUILTBAG meeting. Facilitators engaged participants in sharing (1) their visions for the world in 5 years, (2) the burning issues that need to be addressed if this world is to manifest, (3) how social justice movements can better work together to[Read More…]

October 18, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Reply from my father.

He would probably say that he has always loved me and has always been ready to do whatever it took to care for me, and to love me (and I don’t doubt that). It is true however, that we haven’t always been able to talk about things like this. Change has happened over time to get us where we are now, and that change has been on both sides of things- his and mine.

October 18, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Open letter to my father.

It may be that we have every right to demand full and unconditional acceptance and love from our parents. It may be also true that our parents don’t know that they have this to give us. The task may seem impossible to them. Activism isn’t only about giving voice to our demands, but it is also about giving individuals enough information to help them rise about their own ideas of the status quo.

October 18, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Can Coming Out Save Lives?

Telling our youth that it gets better, may help some who are feeling alone, recognize that they can hold on, but in reality, it doesn’t itself, make everything better. In fact, if we are too busy focused talking about how it gets better, all we really do, is be in denial of just how really bad it is for far too many queer youth each and everyday.

October 17, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Service Members United: How to build a grass roots movement.

This is a wonderful video clip well worth watching. I appreciate how they lay out a case for building a strong grass roots movement based on a single, clear and concise message. At times, I think the LGBTQ movement seeks inclusivity over clarity. I’m not sure that is all bad, but I do wonder if we had more groups, each working for a clear purpose, and cross supporting each other, if we would get further[Read More…]

October 17, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Fending off competition with homophobia: Christian politics 101?

See any trend here similar to what we are seeing in National politics? The conservative/Christian approach is always to demonize and “other” the gay person, instead of focusing on jobs and thew economy which are the two subjects most important to the majority of voters at every level of government. Their goal is to win, at any cost.

October 16, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Vlogtober 15

This policy change through the Department of Health and Human Services is huge, and does more to affect the real every day lives of gay and lesbian couples than most all of the big trendy issues where people complain about tge President. This is real change that impacts real lives.

October 15, 2011 Comments are Disabled Activism, general