American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right

The Very Un-Christian Christianist Religious Right

The Very Un-Christian Christianist Religious Right

As the LGBTQ community sees massive and growing cultural support for Equality, we must not turn a blind eye to the Far Right extremists who are not going to go away quietly. They believe they need Special Forces strategies, and they aren’t talking about using Prayer. They, are at war with you and I and anyone who promotes Equality.

January 28, 2013 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general
Teaching Bigotry?

Teaching Bigotry?

A Kentucky teacher is being criticized for writing a politically charged statement on the whiteboard in class. South Laurel County High School teacher Kendra Baker is drawing complaints from parents and students after she wrote, “You can’t be a democrat and go to heaven.” Superintendent Doug Bennett told the Sentinel-Echo that the class had been discussing politics around election day, and Baker wrote the statement — which is reportedly a student comment — on the[Read More…]

The growing Catholic engagement in US government.

The growing Catholic engagement in US government.

While we watch progress at the Supreme Court as well as across the country, we must also put effort into stopping the growing role of Catholic Church as government influencer. Or, the Church needs to lose their tax exempt status and call themselves a lobbying firm. Gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and supportive allies across the country must press for the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church to be revoked. Few actions will be as important in the coming next wave of activism.

November 25, 2012 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Fallacious arguments will not impede marriage equality.

Fallacious arguments will not impede marriage equality.

But Parker’s purpose is more elementary. Here, the attempt is to equate the foundation of conservatism with anti-marriage equality; a position which cannot be supported rationally.

November 24, 2012 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Mitt Romney and the American Theocracy.

Mitt Romney and the American Theocracy.

Service to others is an important concept that is forgotton by too many people today, in our “me-centric” society, yet serving in the military is much much more than simply serving others. Serving in the military is about defending the very essence of our rights as citizens and protecting our democracy. Our service members are willing to die for our country. What similar statement can be made about Mormon missionaries? What are they willing to die to protect? Anything?

So, Ann Romney compares Mormon proselytizing to sacrificing to protect our liberty? Really? An act of inducing someone to convert is the same as risking your life to protect the foundation of our country? Only if our country is a Mormon or Christian theocracy.

Jesus for President!

Jesus for President!

Either way you look at it however is scary for a secularist. Either Jesus wins, and America has it’s own taliban of the Christianist type. Or Romney wins and a cult gains control of our whole country. America becomes like the Vatican city state, except that the Church of the LatterDay Saints has a much bigger coverage.

Is teasing protected speech, and what about that?

I personally don’t think that to call it terrorism is too strong. And the victims- both those who live in fear as well as those who grow up believing that a climate of fear is an acceptable way to treat others- are our youth. These are our future generations, at least those who live that long.

April 24, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, Election, general
Separate is never equal when it comes to marriage.

Separate is never equal when it comes to marriage.

The more frightening part of bills like this however, is considering the door it could open. We know that underneath the anti-same-sex marriage facade is just blatant rejection of gay people- of being gay as an acceptable sexual orientation. If wedding providers can be considered for exclusions and allowed to discriminate, what is to stop restaurant owners, employers, health care providers…

The cost of big government conservatism.

Follow the link below to see the whole story attached to this headline: KANSAS SPENDS HALF A MILLION DOLLARS DEFENDING ANTI-ABORTION LAWS Imagine what could have been done with half a million dollars for direct patient care or disease prevention. Instead it went to lawyers to support big intrusive government. This is not the GOP of yesteryear, but more like Big Brother. via Kansas Spends Half A Million Dollars Defending Anti-Abortion Laws | ThinkProgress.

Santorum to end separation of church and state

Santorum to end separation of church and state

Santorum’s position doesn’t place all Catholics at odds with the Constitution. He does however place the institution of the Roman Catholic Church as the enemy of the First Amendment.