
Is There LGBT Equality in Massachusetts?

Is There LGBT Equality in Massachusetts?

The linked blog post by Tom Lang below is a wonderful read, and talks about something I’ve written about from a general perspective before. Same-sex marriage equality is critically important to some parts of the LGBT community, but it, in and of itself does not produce equality. Even after 6 years of marriage equality there, the whole of the LGBT community remains lacking some very basic protections because a part of that whole has no[Read More…]

May 17, 2010 1 comment general, Same-Sex Marriage

Anthony Williams and the LGBT Vote

Is he suggesting the majority of LGBT issues have been adequately addressed, but this is one of the few that haven’t been sufficiently addressed? That is how it reads to me. I’d be interested too, to hear how he feels other states have handled this issue.

May 15, 2010 2 comments general

Credit Where Credit is Due- GOTLGBTV

We do not live in a state, that by default seeks out and promotes the most progressive ideas. If lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer persons want to be treated as first class citizens, we have to get out there and make it happen.

May 14, 2010 1 comment general
The Difference Between the Left and the Right

The Difference Between the Left and the Right

Saw this on Twitter, and made me chuckle.

May 14, 2010 1 comment general

Mass. church to help find school for gays’ son

Our schools need to be different. There must be a set standard for all Education that that must include the treatment of all students as equal, and welcome. That must include respect for difference and the celebration of diversity.

May 14, 2010 1 comment general

I AM: God, Gloria Gaynor and Gays

One of the most awesome things God ever said (if you buy into the idea that at one time, a long, long time ago, God actually spoke to a few human beings). God said, “I am.” And that’s what I have to say, “I am.” I am Gay. I don’t lead a gay lifestyle,

May 14, 2010 5 comments Gay Pride, general

What Do You Need To Cast Your Vote?

I think however, that a question is needed: what is it that you need if you are one of those undecided or folks who aren’t yet sure who you will vote for? What do you need to make sure you cast a ballot as opposed to being one of the many who don’t turn out at the polls?

May 13, 2010 1 comment general
Negativity and the treatment of candidates by bloggers

Negativity and the treatment of candidates by bloggers

From my perspective, the “counter” is nothing if it isn’t mean.

May 13, 2010 1 comment general

Blackmail in the Military is OK, but being Gay isn’t

The current “worry” about how straight men in the military will feel if they have to work with open homosexuals, is exactly the type of male-dominated heterosexism that also leads to the mistreatment of women.

May 12, 2010 3 comments general

Rekers Resigns From Board Of Ex-Gay Group NARTH

Every single group or position against LGBT rights bases that opposition one one factor: being gay is a choice. Ex-gay groups like Exodus and NARTH, the group Rekers has just resigned from, can only exist because far right religious groups pump money into them based upon this false claim that Gay is a choice.

May 12, 2010 1 comment general