Articles by: Thomas Waters

Man pretends to be gay and finds religion.

Throughout the book, Kurek emphasizes that distinction. While much of “The Cross in the Closet” is about the struggle to understand the gay community, which he tries to address by enlisting a friend to act as his boyfriend, much of it addresses how his former church’s community – and family – reacted to his new lifestyle. via Christian’s year of living gay leads to dramatic change, sparks controversy – CNN Belief Blog – Blogs.

December 3, 2012 Comments are Disabled general

Breaking News: PA Representative Comes Out as Gay

Today, Rep. Mike Fleck (R-81st District) faced the world as an openly gay man.

December 1, 2012 1 comment general
Teaching Bigotry?

Teaching Bigotry?

A Kentucky teacher is being criticized for writing a politically charged statement on the whiteboard in class. South Laurel County High School teacher Kendra Baker is drawing complaints from parents and students after she wrote, “You can’t be a democrat and go to heaven.” Superintendent Doug Bennett told the Sentinel-Echo that the class had been discussing politics around election day, and Baker wrote the statement — which is reportedly a student comment — on the[Read More…]

Kudos: Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents

Kudos: Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents

The language used to talk about gay, lesbian, bi, trans and queer folks and issues is important especially in the mainstream media but really everywhere. We all serve as advocates for change when we help someone come to understand better language to discuss us and the issues impacting us. And it doesn’t have to be hard or confrontational! All you have to do is alert someone of the GLAAD media guide.

November 26, 2012 0 Comments Activism, general
The growing Catholic engagement in US government.

The growing Catholic engagement in US government.

While we watch progress at the Supreme Court as well as across the country, we must also put effort into stopping the growing role of Catholic Church as government influencer. Or, the Church needs to lose their tax exempt status and call themselves a lobbying firm. Gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and supportive allies across the country must press for the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church to be revoked. Few actions will be as important in the coming next wave of activism.

November 25, 2012 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Fallacious arguments will not impede marriage equality.

Fallacious arguments will not impede marriage equality.

But Parker’s purpose is more elementary. Here, the attempt is to equate the foundation of conservatism with anti-marriage equality; a position which cannot be supported rationally.

November 24, 2012 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage

The Changing World of Straight Acting…

In a more practical sense, I am in awe of the ways these men find to break the tension and stress of being in a war zone. More power to you!

November 23, 2012 Comments are Disabled general

Jesus Predicted People Would Vote For Gay Marriage As A Sign Of End Times

“I think this confirms something that Jesus said in Matthew 7, that ‘broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter into it, but narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and only a few find it.’ So I wouldn’t be surprised if most people in America voted against God and against God’s values if that wasn’t a confirmation of something that Jesus predicted would come in the end times,” Klingenschmitt says.[Read More…]

November 14, 2012 Comments are Disabled Biblical Commentary, General Commentary
And they say it isn’t about race…

And they say it isn’t about race…

The Tea Party folks want to pretend that their efforts are linked back to the Revolutionary War and the rebellion that preceded it. Back when te colonists were taxed with no representation. They originally didn’t so much want to be their own country, but rather, simply wanted self governance, or a voice in the governance. If England had granted them representation, everything may have been different. Today, things are different. Every American has a voice and can vote. From the local level, all the way to the Federal level, each and every American’s voice is represented.

November 14, 2012 1 comment Election, general

Veteran’s Day Post

Our commitment to our veterans can not start at the point that they need medical care. Our commitment to our veterans must start with holding our elected officials accountable to be placing as few of our military in harms way as possible. It must start with demanding that the media provide us with clear and accurate news to assist all Americans in understanding what is happening, why, and how our women and men are involved. In other words, there is a political issue of military action, and there is a the real-lives issues of military action. We must not as Americans confuse them, and must remain solidly supportive of the latter even as we pressure our elected officials about the former.

November 12, 2012 Comments are Disabled general