Jesus Predicted People Would Vote For Gay Marriage As A Sign Of End Times
“I think this confirms something that Jesus said in Matthew 7, that ‘broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter into it, but narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and only a few find it.’ So I wouldn’t be surprised if most people in America voted against God and against God’s values if that wasn’t a confirmation of something that Jesus predicted would come in the end times,” Klingenschmitt says.[Read More…]
Scripture, Homosexuals, and modern political efforts by conservative Christians.
A recent post on Matt Barber’s site attempts to suggest that Jesus actually talked about homosexuals, which is utterly outrageous to anyone who takes scripture at face value. For many years, those who advocate for accepting gay and lesbian people have used the fact that while Jesus talked of many issues, he never made any commentary on gays and lesbians. This they say, shows that one can be gay and a Christian at the same[Read More…]