
What ID’s will allow you access to vote in Pennsylvania?

So what constitutes an acceptable ID? What ID’s will work, and what ID’s will not be enough? The information below makes it clear what ID’s are OK, and anything else is not OK. Additionally, if you do not have an approved ID, what you need to get one is also detailed below. I have highlighted some text in RED to draw additional attention to it. For folks within the LGBTQ community, especially trans persons and those who don’t conform to what is thought of as traditional gender roles, this is where a real problem may occur.

March 16, 2012 3 comments Election, general

Last push to stop discriminatory Voter ID Bill in PA.

The bill as passed in some other states, has been deemed unconstitutional, and full of errors. If Pennsylvania passes the bill, the state can expect lawsuits and a chaotic election season at a time with the voice of the voter is truly needed more than ever.

March 14, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general

PA House drops consideration of anti-LGBT marriage amendment.

Members of the House State Government Committee for dropping consideration of HB 1434, the mean-spirited and nonsensical amendment to the constitution on marriage.

March 13, 2012 3 comments Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Action Alert: PA Anti-LGBT Marriage Amendment to be Voted This Week!

A vote on House Bill (HB) 1434 is scheduled for TUESDAY, MARCH 13 in the House State Government Committee.  Now is the time to let your voice be heard. HB 1434, proposed by Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, would not only amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman, it would invalidate any other type of legal union or one substantially equivalent.  That means any discussion of civil[Read More…]

March 9, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Corbett’s efforts towards GOP domination progress.

We have known for a while that the Republicans in WAshington DC have been after Obama and their entire purpose has been to make him a single term president. GOP efforts in the states has been geared heavily towards promoting a conservative social agenda such as the efforts to take away women’s reproductive rights. Here in Pennsylvania, the efforts go both ways however. Corbett announced as far back as 2010 his intention to suppress the[Read More…]

March 8, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election, general

PA Senate votes to suppress democratic voters this year.

Late this afternoon, the PA Senate voted to pass HB 934, a Voter ID bill designed to suppress the Democratic vote in the coming elections. Passing by a single vote, the bill nows goes back to the House because it has ubndergone a few changes since the House passed iut previously. This is a huge blow against real democracy in a state bust slashing public sercvices, it will now spend 5 million (at least) against[Read More…]

March 7, 2012 1 comment Activism, Election, general
The Limbaugh controversy.

The Limbaugh controversy.

Truly, Rush Limbaugh is a larger than life figure and so somethng he says can easily catch the media’s attention, and therefore become a topic of discourse. But why will we, as a culture rise up with Righteous anger against a single bully and yet, not rise up en masse againast the rampant problem of teen bullying and hostility towards our LGBTQA youth?

March 7, 2012 1 comment general

NHL stars promote tolerance of gay players.

More than 30 NHL players have taped spots that will air throughout the remainder of the season. “The messages are very simple, yet meaningful,” Patrick Burke said. “It’s variations of the idea that all they care about is winning, all they care about is having the best teammates and it doesn’t matter if the best teammate happens to be gay or straight. I’ve blogged about Brian and Patrick Burke before- when Brian first came out[Read More…]

March 6, 2012 Comments are Disabled general
Stacey Gray runs for PA 3rd congressional district

Stacey Gray runs for PA 3rd congressional district

I received this press release posted below, but I’d like to add that I have known Stacey for several years, and I’m thrilled to see her take this step forward!  Way to go! STACEY GRAY RUNNING FOR CONGRESS “It’s our turn” 3rd District 3RD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT — Independent Candidate Stacey Gray has begun her campaign to represent the third Congressional District in Washington. She characterizes her effort as “for the people of the district” as[Read More…]

March 5, 2012 2 comments Election, general

Which PA Mayors Will Sign On for Marriage Equality?

I’ve posted before about the Mayors for Marriage Equality, an effort of the Freedom to Marry organization. When this was first introduced, it appeared that the Erie PA mayor had signed on, and then, his name was no longer on the list. A petition has been created on as a way for folks to encourage the mayor to sign on and stay on the list, joining a number of other Pennsylvaniaz mayors. petition[Read More…]

March 4, 2012 2 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage